Austria Government Scholarships for International Students 2023/24 (Fully

Study for the academic year on a Scholarships in Austria. Locate your software. There are thousands of scholarships available in Austria for students pursuing PhD, master’s, and bachelor’s degree programs.

There are scholarships offered for a variety of nations. Over 102,000 foreign students are enrolled at Austrian universities. Europe’s middle region is Austria. Some other countries also provide scholarships like China, USA as well as Russia.

Traveling and relocating to different European nations is simple. Education makes perfect sense. The Austria Development Corporation is the financial source for the scholarship.

In English, many courses are taught. Some Austrian universities (Scholarships in Austria) will even tell you where to apply to study in Austria without taking the IELTS exam. Austria is home to a few universities that come highly recommended.

Several academic fields have been made available, including the natural sciences, technical sciences, human medicine, health sciences, medical sciences, agriculture sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts, among many other fields.

Graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, and doctorate students can apply for the Austrian Government Scholarship 2023–2024. International applicants may apply for this fully supported fellowship. You cannot apply if you are an Austrian citizen.

There will be excellent supervisors who will mentor each student. With government scholarships, gifted students should be able to pursue their creative ideas and studies on their own. Additionally, while enrolled in this program, master’s students can finish their thesis and scientific research.

Established in 2005, the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria is responsible for funding this research scholarship program in Austria.

Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students from abroad are eligible for Austria scholarships (Scholarships in Austria). For overseas students looking to study in Europe on scholarship, this is one of their finest opportunities.

Human medicine, health sciences, natural sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical sciences, and arts will all receive research grants.

Austria is the nation.

Level of Course:

  • Undergraduate, Graduate, Masters, and PhD
  • Financed by Partial and Full Scholarships


  • Priority ADC countries and developing nations.

Closing Dates:

  • March 1st and September 1st annually

Supported By:

  • The Republic of Austria Scholarship Foundation

Kind of Scholarship Program in Austria:

  • Research Grants or Promotion:

Research Subjects:

  • Sciences of Nature
  • Agronomic Sciences
  • Social Science Field
  • Medical Science
  • Sciences of Health
  • Subjectivity
  • Sciences Technical
  • Crafts.

Financial Protection in Scholarships in Austria:

The Austrian government will fund the scholarship to pay the costs. funded by grants from the Federal Ministry of Science, Research, and Education (BMBWF) of Austria.

The costs differ from course to course and are contingent upon the kind of grant for which you qualify.

  • The monthly payment for scholarships
  • Medical coverage
  • Where to Stay
  • Allowance for Travel

Advantages of the 2023-24 Austrian Government Scholarship:

  • A monthly installment up to 1.050 EUR for the scholarship (Scholarships in Austria).
  • Each participant will get health insurance.
  • There will be lodging available.
  • There will be a travel reimbursement.
Scholarships in Austria

The Austria Government Scholarship 2023-24 is open to all overseas students:

  • Candidates may be students completing their dissertation or their thesis for a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • Applicants who have already received this award at the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral levels are ineligible.
  • The applicant should not have visited Austria for scholarly, research, or study objectives during the previous six months.
  • When submitting an application for an undergraduate or graduate research grant, the applicant must be under 35 years old.
  • When applying for a Ph.D. research funding, a candidate must be under 40 years of age.

Universities in Austria Not Taking the IELTS:

Below is a list of Austrian universities (Scholarships in Austria) that do not require the IELTS. Other Austrian universities do not require IELTS scores.

  1. Vienna’s Modul University
  2. University of Vienna
  3. Graz Technical University
  4. Kepler University of Hannover
  5. Salzburg University
  6. Technikum Wien University of Applied Sciences
  7. Vienna University of Business and Economics
  8. University of Innsbruck

How Do I Apply for the 2023–24 Austrian Government Scholarship?

  • By going to the official portal, any interested candidates can submit an online application.
  • In addition to the application form, the candidate must include a project plan and a curriculum vitae.
  • Must submit an application and attach the necessary files by the deadline.

Required Documents:

  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A scanned copy of your passport.
  • Certificate of participation from home university
  • References to competency
  • ID card

The Case for Pakistani Students Studying in Austria:

  • Every student admitted to an Austrian university (Scholarships in Austria) receives a degree recognized across Europe.
  • Vienna tops the list of cities in the world to live in.
  • The graduates have access to fantastic professional opportunities that enhance both their lifestyle and skill set.
  • The curriculum is thoughtfully designed and well-balanced, which results in a set study duration.
  • Students have access to cutting-edge, contemporary facilities.
  • Professors and lecturers with experience supervise the pupils.
  • The option to finish the semester or do an internship overseas is provided to the students.
  • There are numerous options for students to conduct industrial and commercial research.

Scholarship Program In Austria For Pakistani Students 2023-24:

The following Austria scholarships (Scholarships in Austria) for Pakistani students in 2023 accept applications by students, graduates, postgraduates, and postdocs:

Franz Werfel Fellowship:

Area of study or research:

  • Humanities, Linguistics, and Literature

Grant Type:

  • Semester and/or one-year grants, Research grants

Who can apply:

  • Postgraduates, Ph.D. holders, post-docs, Researchers


  • 4 to 9 months


  • Maximum of 7 new awards per academic year

Grant benefit paid:

  • Monthly grant: 1,150 EUR, Monthly mobility allowance: 600 EUR (for scholarship durations longer than 3 months)

Richard Plaschka Fellowship Pre-Doc & Post-Doc:

Area of study or research:

  • Humanities, History, Archaeology

Grant Type:

  • Semester and/or one-year grants, Research grants

Who can apply:

  • Postgraduates, PhD students


  • 4 to 12 months
Scholarships in Austria

Ernst Mach Grant for attending an applied science university in Austria.

Research or study area:

  • Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Agricultural Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences

Type of Grant:

  • Research funding for a semester or a year


  • Students and graduates

Time Frame:

  • Ten to four months

Ernst Mach Folger Grant (developing nations outside of Europe):

Field of inquiry or study:

  • Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Agricultural Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, and Health Sciences

Type of Grant:

  • Research funding for a semester or a year


  • Postdocs and PhD holders

Time Frame:

  • Three months or less

Procedure for Austrian Student (Scholarships in Austria) Visa:

Students must take the nine easy procedures listed below in order to study in Austria:

Step 1: Decide to come to Austria to study.
Step 2: Select a course and a university or institution.
Step 3: Verify the course prerequisites, including the IELTS*.
Step 4: Request document attestation from the Foreign Affairs Ministry
Step 5: Obtain the necessary legalization paperwork.
Step 6: Submit a course application.
Step 7: Get the letter of admission or offer.
Step 8: Make a Residence Permit (RP) application.
Step9: File a visa application.

Important Note:

IELTS is dependent on both the university requirement and your subject.

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